our story
Vignesh Dharmar Jothi

Molly Louise Burnett
Just a couple of silly goofy cutie guys in love.
Vignesh was born in Port Blair, India in 1993. Molly was born in Hammond, Indiana in 1994.
We met in the fall of 2016. Vignesh had just arrived in The United States to start his Master's degree in Aeronautics. Molly was finishing up her Bachelor's degree in Human Factors and would soon transition to her Master's in the same subject. We both attended Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Florida and worked the same student assistant job at the Career Services Office. Although we sat next to each other for hours a day, we weren't fast friends. Vignesh was reserved and quiet - he liked to focus on his work and didn't have time for chit-chat. Molly was friendly to a point of annoyance - constantly trying to spark conversation and goof about everything. Eventually we bonded over our love of food and movies, but remained only friends.
In the fall of 2019, we realized that we had feelings for one another. Blissfully unaware that the world would soon implode, we fell deeply in love. We spent all our free weekends going back and forth between North Carolina and Florida. We spent long nights on the phone talking about everything and nothing. We commiserated about entering the real world for the first time. We got to know one another and appreciate how alike and how vastly different we were. It was beautiful how easy it was to feel at home with each other.
Since then, we've built a wonderful and beautiful life together. We've traveled from The Smokie Mountains, to Washington D.C., to Salem, to Acadia National Park, to Minnesota, to Stowe, to Houston, to Indiana (about a million times) and to India. We've found joy in cooking together - in sharing our cultures and connecting through our love of making delicious things in the kitchen. We've watched about a million movies and plan to watch a million more. We've moved in together and made a home in Lowell, Massachusetts. We've bonded over our obsession with our son boy - our orange tabby cat, Louis. We are self-professed "indoor boys" and have recently been infatuated with reading and playing video games.
We're so profoundly happy to be with each other and take every opportunity to appreciate our lives. We feel so lucky to have found each other when we were born almost 9,000 miles apart. We've already decided to spend our lives together, but we're still so excited to get married. We can't wait to share our joy and celebrate with our friends and families in India and in The United States. Thank you so much for being part of our story.